Greenham Trust
Greenham Trust distributes its Grant aid on a twice yearly basis. The Trust is "focused on the long-term goal of social progress and is committed to making a real difference to the fortunes and lives of the whole community". In so doing the Trust has become an important source of funding for good causes in West Berkshire and North Hampshire.
- Through its annual reactive grant awards, managed by its Distribution Committee, Greenham Trust distributes around £300,000 a year.
- The Trust spends over £200,000 a year funding New Greenham Arts which is managed on the Trust's behalf by the Newbury Corn Exchange.
- The Trust also supports Newbury Town Centre Outdoor Events Programme, Newbury Spring Festival, the Watermill Outreach Programme and many other arts related initiatives.
- The Trust runs an annual community funding event – Pitch to the Panel – which is a Dragons’ Den style event where applicants pitch for a share of £100,000.
For any questions about the Trust's Grant Funding call Jill Owen on 01635 817444 or email: For information about what types of project we fund visit the Trust's web site To apply for funding visit
National funding bodies and resources
Directory of funders' web sites A directory showing the web sites of more than 1,000 UK, US, European and Canadian funders has been published by Chapel and York Ltd. Directory of Grantmakers' Websites is available online or contact Chapel & York Ltd., PO Box 50, Lingfield, RH7 6FT, or
Funding on the Web A funding guide to the needs of voluntary organisations, charities, local authorities and the agencies and information services who support them can be accessed at by subscribing users.
For subscription details send e-mail with your name, organisation and address to:
Gane Trust Grants of up to £500 are available for education in the field of crafts or for help in setting up a workshop. Apply in writing to: Ken Stradling, 11 Freeland Place, Hotwells, Bristol, BS8 4NP
Tax relief for Gift Aid
In the 2000 Budget a package of measures entitled Getting Britain Giving in the 21st Century was announced.
Details included the abolition of the £250 minimum limit for donations in the new Gift Aid scheme which means that tax relief applies to any donation to charities.
Donors can join the scheme by phone or Internet, removing the need for them to sign a form.
Other measures to boost individual and business giving include:
- abolishing the £1200 maximum limit for Payroll Giving.
Employees can now give as much as they like through their
pay packet;
- boosting the take-up of Payroll Giving with a promotional
campaign and a 10 per cent supplement on donations paid
by the Government to charities for three years;
- encouraging gifts of quoted shares and securities to charity
by introducing a new income tax relief;
- removing existing barriers facing those who wish to settle
assets to charities through trusts;
- removing the need for small charities to set up a subsidiary
company to run their fund-raising trades by a new exemption
for profits of fund-raising by charities;
- extending and aligning income tax and VAT exemptions for
charity fund-raising events;
- an extension to the VAT zero rating of advertisements
bought by charities;
- raising the limit below which charities do not have to
account for VAT;
- other VAT changes to make life easier for charities, such
as VAT relief for bathrooms in day centres, and relief for
donated goods sold to disabled people and those on low
All of these changes started from April 2000. Details are available from HM Treasury on or the Inland Revenue on 0151-300-0000 or
The Charities Aid Foundation has additional details on or 01732-520000